The day I heart you
Imma Princess

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Read up this!!


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Zara Zainuddin

Why it is so hard?

Hm things changed recently. Hm Idk actually what has happened to me especially. Hm idk. Hm it's really turn me off. I can't have my days without him every single time. But he's totally changed. He has a new life. Seems he got more smiley on his face rather than before. He even ignores me, eventually. Why you make it fast? Why you leave too soon? Why you forgot all the things? Why you let me go? :( I just can't breathe seeing you with another girl. Seems you even closer to her day by day. Why should I have this feeling of jealousy? Why? Why it is so hard to let him go? Cuz I loved him too much before and I left him in sudden. Nahhh serve your right, dear self! Tsk tsk tsk T.T I do love him but it means nothing to him so does to me. hm don't you forget me :'( I can't tell you what I feel but please, feel me :( Feel it what I'm feeling towards you. Don't ask me cuz you know we have the same in common. Coincidence! :'( :'( :'(